ADW Industry update July
ADW Industry update online - 1 July 2021
UAM and the role of cities
What is the role of cities? EASA gave an update and reflection of the results on the Social Acceptance study on UAM and there was a discussion with the city network of UIC2 and future skies.
View the programme.
Dutch Drone Agenda
The afternoon will be about the Dutch drone discussion. With next steps on the Dutch Drone Agenda, use-cases and Q&A sessions on EU regulations, zoning and implementation.
View the Dutch programme.
ADW virtual platform
Through this platform you were able to plan your agenda, start matchmaking and join the group- and speed networking sessions. Our smart matchmaking platform acted as your personal assistant to find your relevant connections. Are you already registered? Login here to the ADW Virtual platform to see the recordings of the event. The EASA and ILT presentations are also available in PDF.

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